


Sauvez les abeilles et les agriculteurs

Katharina Schäfer
Objet : Petition to European Commission: Save bees an farmers!

Corps du message :
Dear Transition-Town-Activists,

I would like to ask you to support this petition: (Francais) (Espagnol) (English) (German)

The petition postulates a „bee-friendly agriculture to the benefit of farmers, health and the environment“. It has been mounted by the „European Citizens’ Initiative“ and directs towards European Commission.

The petition needs a minimum required signature threshold in at least seven countries of the European Union. It will be finished at the end of september an must achieve 1 Million signs until this date.

I would be very grateful if you could sign it and propagate it in your country.

You will also find find materials like paper signature forms, leaflets or posters on the Website.

I found your contacts here:

et voici COMMENT AIDER LES ABEILLES ET LES AGRICULTEURS: leaflet_fr avec l’information en Français

Greetings from

Katharina Schäfer (Dresden, Germany)

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