


Think Resilience, an online course offered by the post carbon institute until june 2020 for free (en anglais)

We’ve been offering our Think Resilience online course for free as a way to give back to our community during the coronavirus pandemic. I’m happy to report that over 1,500 of you have taken us up on our offer. And equally exciting, many of you have helped us extend our offer of free access […]

Covid-19, confinement et solidarités : 1001 ressources pour agir, soutenir et être soutenu pendant la crise sanitaire !

Covid-19, confinement et solidarités : 1001 ressources pour agir, soutenir et être soutenu pendant la crise sanitaire !


La crise sanitaire que nous traversons est inédite et d’une ampleur exceptionnelle. Elle éprouve la résilience de notre société et elle met en lumière l’importance des initiatives citoyennes et locales pour organiser […]

What Europe thinks of the environment in 22 fascinating graphs

Opinion & Analysis Podcasts Trending What Europe thinks of the environment in 22 fascinating graphs Jack HunterMarch 26, 2020 AgricultureAirChemicalsCircular EconomyClimateEnergyTradeWaste 114 min read Once every two years, thousands of Europeans are quizzed for their views on the environmental. The result is the most definitive snapshot of public opinion we’ll get for a […]